Varma kalai’ is a Tamil word meaning "art of vital points".
'Varmam' is the branch of Siddha system of medicine which involves a special kind of therapy based on vital points called varma points present in the body. Though it is closely related to the ancient Dravidian martial art ‘varma kalai’, it was developed and used by Siddhars as a healing science. This healing application called ‘Varma Vaidhiya’ is used to treat patients suffering from paralysis, nervous disorder, spondylitis and other Joint disorders.
According to varma theory, there are points in the body which are vital energy (Prana vayu) storing points through which vital energy is transmitted to various parts of the body and all the functions of the body are mediated. Totally 108 varma nilaigal (points) are defined and these are used to stimulate energy, heal disease or stimulate the immune mechanism. Siddha texts like ‘Varma kannadi’ and ‘Varma suthiram’ have described about these 108 vital points.
Varmams have been classified based on the type of pressure or the nature of source by which injury is caused.
Varma kalai’ is a Tamil word meaning "art of vital points". 'Varmam' is the branch of Siddha system of medicine which involves a special kind of therapy based on vital points called varma points present in the body. Though it is closely related to the ancient Dravidian martial art ‘varma kalai’, it was developed and used by Siddhars as a healing science. This healing application called ‘Varma Vaidhiya’ is used to treat patients suffering from paralysis, nervous disorder, spondylitis and other Joint disorders.
According to varma theory, there are points in the body which are vital energy (Prana vayu) storing points through which vital energy is transmitted to various parts of the body and all the functions of the body are mediated. Totally 108 varma nilaigal (points) are defined and these are used to stimulate energy, heal disease or stimulate the immune mechanism. Siddha texts like ‘Varma kannadi’ and ‘Varma suthiram’ have described about these 108 vital points.
To stimulate the varma points Pressure should be applied in these points at a particular and given strength as mentioned in Varma literature. However, the same points if wrongly activated may cause pathological changes or diseases and may even result in death. Trauma or injury to tissue or organs around these vital points is harmful and causes diseases which are mentioned in Varma Literature. The practice and method of pressing the varmam points need a great expertise and even a slight deviation may cause adverse results or danger. Among the 108, 12 are major points which control the functions of the vital organs of the body
Massage as a healing science has witnessed great popularity and increasing acceptance all over the world during the past decade. The popularity of massage therapies as an effective ant-stress programme is one of the major factors leading to its commercialization. Recently therapeutic massage started becoming very popular, notably Ayurvedic massage which is being offered in almost all major spas in the world. Is massage limited to this simple act of restoring blood circulation, muscle relaxation, lymphatic drainage and rarely to some vital point stimulation? The answer is no. Very few people know that the massage practice followed by Ayurveda originated from the Siddha system. In the Siddha system this area of medicine is an elaborate and perfected science called Varma Kalai or the art of Vital points, where massage forms just one area of treatment. The depth of this varma science in Siddha is evident from the elaborate and extensive texts of Anatomy, Physiology, Diagnostic and treatment methodologies written on palm leaf manuscripts.
This Siddha massage or thadavu murai has been known for the application of varma points to achieve cures from disease. Varma or pranic points in the body are centers that control, regulate and maintain pranic flow and thus vital force distribution all over the body. In other words these varma points are pranic batteries that act as intermittent boosters to enable effective conduction of vital forces throughout the body. Any impact to these varma points due to accident or in combat will disrupt the flow of vital force. Depending on the location and activities controlled, the severity of the outcome of an impact will be anywhere between lethal to chronic damaging effects arising after several years.
Varmam Science is based on the fact that there are numerous vital points (Varmams) in the human body that are interconnected by channels in a definite way. The life force energy or prana flows through these channels and gets boosted at the said vital points or varmams. Any imbalance to this flow can cause diseases. This flow has many levels of governing capacities on various vital activities of human body and manipulating this flow can be used to destroy or cure the body. The act of restoring or damaging the vital flow can be achieved by varying pressures of pressure directly on to the varmams. In general massage these points and channels are stimulated to certain degrees, in a defined pattern to achieve a smooth flow. The process may seem quite simple, but very few people actually teach the real locations, the technique of approach and the degrees of manipulation of these points.
Cupping involves creating suction on the skin using a cup, drawing blood into an area under the skin. According to cupping advocates, it promotes healing and relieves sore muscles for conditions such as back and neck pain and joint arthritis, and improves immune function.
Cupping has unique benefits for musculo-skeletal pain that cannot be obtained any other way. Cupping decompresses and stretches myofascial tissues away from the underlying structures (instead of pushing them into bones, like massage).