Mudra therapy is an age-old effective therapy propounded by ancient sages. Mudra means hand gestures which are made for the betterment of physical body. This therapy is as old as culture given and practiced; it prevents specific physical and mental problems. Mudras can be classified into the five basic categories. The categories are yogic, spiritual, curative, religious, and customary. The Yoga and Ayurveda philosophy believes that the human body is composed of five elements- fire, air, water, space and earth. As long as these elements remain in balance, a person enjoys a healthy, disease free life.
Mudra therapy is an age-old effective therapy propounded by ancient sages. Mudra means hand gestures which are made for the betterment of physical body. This therapy is as old as culture given and practiced; it prevents specific physical and mental problems. Mudras can be classified into the five basic categories. The categories are yogic, spiritual, curative, religious, and customary. The Yoga and Ayurveda philosophy believes that the human body is composed of five elements- fire, air, water, space and earth.
As long as these elements remain in balance, a person enjoys a healthy, disease free life. Under yogic mudras we have different types of mudra which divulge mystical powers to the practitioner are maha mudra, nabho mudra, and under spiritual mudras it has classified into gayan mudra, brahm Anjali mudra, chin mudra, Chinmaya mudra. And next category is curative mudras it has different types, Aakash mudra, prithvi mudra, varun mudra, vayu mudra etc. And religious mudras have different types like pranayama mudra, namaskaar mudra. Here in this article we are going to discuss about the classification of mudhra therapy and how to do the procedure and its benefits of mudra