Gynaecological & PCOD Problems

Gynaecological & PCOD Problems

First and foremost, PCOS is usually considered a more serious condition. PCOD can often be managed just by making informed lifestyle changes, and may not even require further medical treatment at all.
PCOD is a condition in which ovaries produce many immature or partially mature eggs, this happen due to poor lifestyle, obesity, stress and hormonal imbalance. PCOS is a metabolic disorder and more severe form of PCOD can lead to anovulation where ovaries stop releasing eggs.

Common symptoms of Gynaecological & PCOD Problems

Irregular or unpredictable menstrual periods, Heavy bleeding during periods, Excess body hair, Acne, Hair loss or male pattern baldness, Difficulty in getting pregnant, Obesity, Darkening of skin or pigmentation around the neck

Alternative Therapies @ Indopathy


Acupuncture for polycystic ovaries and PCOS is generally placed in the abdominal region as well as hands and legs. Depending on your symptoms and where you are in your cycle these points may vary. Understanding and listening to your body is vital for a good outcome. Your body is your most important asset

Chinese Herbal medicine

Chinese Medicine is a highly effective treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Both acupuncture and herbs can help regulate your cycle and alleviate many of the other unpleasant symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine is also very good for improving fertility if PCOS is making getting pregnant more difficult.